Brush Assessments

SuavAir uses UAVs (aerial drones) to safely and quickly fly over silviculture blocks assessing for brush. The unpleasant task of wading through thick brush and decaying slash is minimized, reducing injuries and ensuring all areas of the block have been thoroughly covered. All imagery is high resolution and georeferenced for accurate mapping of treatment prescriptions.


Make decisions in the field

Using our UAVs we can quickly identify the location, density, and extent of the brush.  All imagery is transmitted to our RPFs via a live video feed and is also recorded with 20MP photos or 4K video.  Since we are already on site, problem areas are ground-truthed to verify issues.

Review decisions back at the office

As all imagery is recorded and georeferenced, it can be re-examined in the office to map problem areas and identify treatment solutions.  Colleagues and managers can be asked for their opinions without having to physically visit the site.  The imagery is also great for contract negotiation, as brush contractors and company foresters can review the imagery together to determine a fair price for both parties.

Ensure treatment was effective

After a treatment has been implemented, our imagery is great for checking if it was effective, as successful treatments are important for getting a block to free-growing status.  It also verifies that the brushing contractor covered the prescribed areas and there is no warranty work required.


  • The density and extent of brush can easily be seen from above

  • Treatments are accurately and easily mapped

  • Imagery is a great aid for contract negotiation

  • Imagery can be compared to future imagery to evaluate the impact of treatment prescriptions


  • Slips, trips, and falls are the leading cause of injuries to foresters in BC

  • Walking though steep ground and thick slash is a high risk activity

  • Our UAVs significantly reduce and often eliminate the need to walk through high risk areas

  • Less caulk time = Less risk of injury = Improved safety

Cost Efficiency

  • Approximately 400% production compared to traditional ground methods

  • Imagery can be used to negotiate fair rates with brushing contractors

  • Reduces the direct and indirect safety liability compared to traditional ground methods

Our trained pilots are also RPFs.  We use the UAVs as a tool for assessments, yet we will investigate issues on the ground as we see them. Making the right decisions by having the best data is the foundation for good forest management.